People having long lost twins
People having long lost twins

people having long lost twins

We would never know for sure, but the entire picture was right. Yes, there was a big chance that we lost a twin baby. Talking to our gynaecologist two weeks later, confirmed what we already thought. There’s no way that it was “just a bleeding”. What happened? We were so sure that we lost our baby. The days after, we were filled with different feelings, all tangled together. We still had our baby! She was still there! Relieve filled us, a big smile took hold of that moment. Pfew, our baby was still there! It was “just” a bleeding. But as soon as we the machine touched my belly, we could here a strong, beautiful heartbeat. In the hospital, they prepared us for an ultrasound. I knew I lost my baby, I felt her soul leaving my body. The energy hanging around us was one of loss and despair. When I started bleeding heavily that evening, we both thought that we lost the baby. We were 8 weeks pregnant by that time, so not thát far along. After my husband came home from work, we started to rewind for the evening. But when Troia grew older, Lost Twin Syndrome came knocking on her door… it was time to truly embrace Maya* as a part of our family. The first few years, we didn’t think it was ok to openly remember her, so we didn’t. It’s a special day for our family, one to remember, mourn, celebrate and be grateful about.

people having long lost twins

Even though this happened 15 years ago, we still remember her every single year on this day.

people having long lost twins

Today, October 5 th, we remember the day we had to give back the twin sister of our oldest daughter to the Universe.

People having long lost twins